Legal Disclaimer

Terms of Use

The information contained in, and actions made within, Reward Manager is subject to audit by bp and/or its agents. This document is a summary and not all provisions that apply to the content and administration of the various reward elements of the system are set out here. Users of Reward Manager should ensure they are familiar with bp policies and guidelines in regard to on and off cycle pay review and reward and remuneration (the “System Purposes”).

bp and Group Reward reserve the sole right to interpret the provisions and functionality of Reward Manager and any applicable pay or remuneration decisions, and to determine participation in associated plans or grants, and such interpretations and determinations will be final and binding.

The various reward and remuneration plans configured in Reward Manager are discretionary and bp reserves the right to amend, modify or terminate any of its reward or remuneration plans at any time without notice. The provisions of bp’s various reward and remuneration plans contain limitations on employee rights under them. The values and grants described are provided for eligible employees who meet eligibility conditions required by those programs. There is no guarantee that the plans will be operated in the future, or, if they are operated, that employees will be selected for participation.

This document, system or information contained within Reward Manager does not create an express or implied contract, for employment or otherwise, with any employee, nor does it create any terms of contract for any particular remuneration or reward plan. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this document and the formal provisions of any applicable reward or remuneration plan, the formal provisions of the applicable reward or remuneration plan will prevail.

bp may amend this document or any information contained within the system without notice at any time and whilst we endeavour to keep the information in the system current, it may be incorrect or out of date and no warranty is made in respect of the same. This document was last updated on 8 January 2024.

Use of Language

The Reward Manager web pages have been written for a global audience - as a result the interpretation of some words and phrases may differ from region to region and may lack in some of the local detail.

Terms of Use

This system is private and confidential to bp. Access is strictly controlled according to business role and responsibility and its content should not be shared with anyone (including other HR employees) without permission.

The terms of use have been compiled in order to clearly highlight YOUR ethical and legal position regarding privacy and data protection and thus ensure that YOU (whether you are a bp employee, a contractor working for bp directly / through an agency or are an employee of a company providing services to bp) understand YOUR obligations with regards to the protection of the confidential and personal data that you may have access to when using this system.

You have been granted access to this system in accordance with your current role within bp, and subject to these provisions. If you no longer require access to this system you should notify the system owner who will arrange for your access to be removed.

bp expects an appropriate level of confidentiality from all employees, contractors and suppliers. YOU must therefore comply with bp's Data Privacy Rules and its policies regarding the protection of confidential data, digital security and its Code of Conduct.

It is important to maintain and protect personal data at least to the level required by law in order both to protect the rights of bp’s employees and other persons whose data is under bp’s control as well as to maintain the integrity and reputation of bp.

bp has a Code of Conduct that sets out the standards for each individual in the group, and its suppliers / contractors and is obligatory, without exception. Everyone working for bp is accountable for upholding its requirements. Failure to observe the Code is a cause for disciplinary action which could involve dismissal and/or termination of engagement and/or contract.

bp's data privacy rules

bp’s policy is first and foremost to comply with applicable law. Where there is no data protection law our policy is to process personal data adhering to the following values as reflected in our Data Privacy Rules:

By using Reward Manager you acknowledge and agree that you have read and understood these Terms of Use, the Privacy Statement and bp’s Code of Conduct and applicable global policies governing the care, handling and classification of personal data.